All the birds shown here have been photographed on the property of Riverside Manor KZN Midlands
- African Black Duck Couple
- African Black Duck
- African Harrier Hawk
- African Hoepoe
- African Olive Pigeon
- African Stone Chat
- Amethyst Sunbird
- Ant Eating Chat
- Black Headed Oriole
- Bokmakierie
- Bronze Mannikin
- Cape Canary
- Cape Robin Chat
- Cape White Eye
- To be ID
- To ID
- Juvemile Jackal Buzzard
- White-Throated Swallow
- Cape Weaver
- Cape Turtle -Dove
- Southern Masked-Weaver
- Golden-Tailed Woodpecker
- Red-Chested Cuckoo
- Common Fiscal Shrike
- Common Waxbill
- Drakensberg Prinea
- Dusky Fly Catcher
- Egyptian Goose
- European Cuckoo
- Greater Swallow
- Fork-tailed drongo
- Giant Kingfisher
- Glossy Starling
- Green Wood-Hoopoe
- Groundscraper Thrush
- Hadidah
- Half -collared Kingfisher
- Hammerkop
- Harrier Hawk
- Jackal Buzzard
- Juvenile African Harrier Hawk
- Kurrichane Thrush
- Long Crested Eagle
- Long Crested Eagle
- Malachite Kingfisher
- Olive Thrush
- Olive Woodpecker (F)
- Olive Woodpecker (M)
- Paradise Flycatcher
- Puff Back Shrike
- Purple Heron
- Red Winged Starling
- Reed Cormerant
- Riverside Manor Clear Skies
- Ryneck
- Southern Black Tit
- Southern Boubou
- Speckled Mouse Birds
- Spectacled Weaver
- Violet-backed Starling (F)
- Yellow Billed Kite